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Form Fitting Siding Insulation

Since its introduction in the 1990s, insulated vinyl siding has become popular among homeowners and construction professionals. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Characteristics of New Housing data, 21% of all homes sold in the U.S. last year used vinyl siding as the primary exterior wall material. The housing market especially favored vinyl siding for attached homes and homes in the Northeast and the Midwest regions, where it covers more than 60% of homes sold. It is now the most popular exterior cladding used for new homes in those areas.

Read on to learn what makes this siding unique.

What is insulated vinyl siding?

Manufacturers reinforce insulated vinyl siding with form-fitted expanded polystyrene (foam) insulation permanently laminated into each sheet.

What are the benefits of insulated vinyl siding?

Cost Efficiency

Cost savings, especially in cold climates, can provide significant returns for homeowners and builders that invest in robust insulation. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends that builders and homeowners insulate all exterior walls for optimal energy efficiency. Insulated vinyl siding can help reduce utility bills by making a home more airtight, though savings vary depending on the local climate.

Heat Retention

Studies have shown that retrofitting homes with insulated vinyl siding increased the R-value (the ability to resist heat flow) and reduced the thermal bridging that encourages heat flow. Specifically, insulated vinyl siding can prevent heat loss caused by wall studs, which often allow heat to pass through. With insulated vinyl, the studs are covered by additional insulation, preventing heat from escaping the home in winter or entering in summer.


Additional insulation not only improves a home’s energy efficiency, it can also reduce interior noise levels. If persistent outdoor noise is a problem in your neighborhood, insulated vinyl siding may be worth considering for a more peaceful home.

Insulation also provides an aesthetic benefit to a home. Insulated vinyl panels often look straighter and deliver more resistance to impact hazards like hail.

Need insulated vinyl siding for your home?

Peak Custom Remodeling offers premium vinyl siding installation for your home. Contact us today to get started!



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